Twitter dashboard twitter dashboard what twitter metrics are there? Like any social network. You nee to understand what metrics are available and what ones matter to your brand on twitter. There are many metrics you can measure. So let’s look at what’s on the platform: tweets: this is the number of times you tweete tweet impressions: this is the number of times people are shown your tweet in their timeline. Search results. Or from your profile profile visits: this is the number of times people have visite your profile mentions: this refers to the number of times your @handle was mentione in tweets new followers:

This is the number of times your twitter card

this is the number of times your twitter card(s) was tweete by you and/or other people there are also top-performing metrics you can look new database at to draw insights: top tweet: this is the tweet that has receive the highest number of impressions top meia tweet: this is the tweet that includes a photo or video that receive the highest number of impressions top card tweet: a tweet with a twitter card (a multimeia addition to tweets that can grab attention in the fee using an image or video. That receive the highest number of impressions and can include other people’s tweets dmi twitter card dmi twitter card top mention

This is a tweet that include your @handle

this is a tweet that include your @handle and receive the highest number of impressions top follower: this is the account with the highest follower count that followe you you can select ‘view tweet details’ to learn more information about a specific tweet or select ‘view Executive List follower’ to get more information about your top follower. Why choose dmi? What key twitter metrics should you measure? You will only know the performance of your organic and paid twitter posts by tracking metrics. Set key performance indicators. Otherwise known as kpis. To track the metrics that are important for your business. For example. Conversions may be the top kpi for an ecommerce business while a brick-and-mortar retailer may value retweets for brand awareness

 Now you know more about the workings of twitter analytics. Let’s look at 6 ways to use it effectively to drive engagement and performance. 1) get to know your followers you can’t be expecte to create compelling and meaningful content for an audience if you don’t know anything about them. You can start with the basics by finding out about their social meia demographic information (gender. Age. Language. Income. And location). And their unique interests. You can then compare your demographic data against the general twitter data. To see how your audience differs. Follower data is found on your dashboard. Here.

You can also target your audience

You can also target your audience base on their preferre device. Behavior. And interests. You can also find followers of similar accounts who may be intereste in following you. These special data insights can even be use to create a follower campaign to grow your base. For example. Pain relief producer tiger balm create an ad specifically to prompt people to follow them on twitter. Tiger balm follower tweet tiger balm follower tweet become a world class digital marketer 2) what tweets are working? Twitter analytics allows you to determine which topics elicit the most engagements. Engagements on twitter include follows. Retweets. Favorites. Replies. Url clicks. Meia views. Hashtag clicks. And mention clicks. You will find impressions.

Engagement rates on the tweets tab

Engagements. And engagement rates on the tweets tab. If you keep an eye on which tweets are achieving the most engagements over time. You’ll be able to target your content Executive List accordingly and develop a closer connection with your followers. In 2021. Twitter announce its ‘best of tweets’. And one of the stand-out ‘most tweete about brands’ was the innovator and magic creator disney. The reason? Sharing a variety of content types and creating hype around new releases across its channels. Disney plus tweet disney plus tweet 3) know when to tweet when it comes to twitter. Different days and times get more engagement than others. So it’s important to try a variety of posting days and times to see what drives engagement for you. See our guide to the best times to post on twitter. Geographic data can also inform the best time to post specific content.

Key account metrics engagements the number of users who retweete. Replie or like your tweet. These interactions demonstrate a desire to find out more. Share your tweet with others. Or otherwise engage with you. It may be a leading indicator of a call-to-action that is working well. Engagement rate this number reflects engagements divide by the number of impressions. Let’s say a tweet went out at a bad time of day (see our post on the best times to post on twitter to avoid this!). And only ten people saw it (ten impressions). But eight of them engage with it. That could be a sign of content that performs better than a tweet that was seen by 100 people and got eight engagements.

Follower growth this number reflects the number

Follower growth this number reflects the number of new followers you have gaine over 30 days. It is a great indicator of your content resonating and a latest database growth in brand awareness. If you pair this metric with engagement it will show you if the followers you are gaining are of quality and not just quantity. Key ad metrics twitter campaign dashboard twitter campaign dashboard cost per result/engagement this metric is the average cost per action (cpa) taken by a user upon seeing your ad. Your campaign only gets charge when a user takes one of your desire actions. The cost per result is useful for managing your budget and measuring your return on investment

Key conversions key

Key conversions key conversions track the actions starting from your twitter ad and finishing on your website. It provides a view of the path taken by a user to Executive List ultimately complete a transaction on your site. With its ability to dig deeper into post-engagement. Conversions. Transaction values. And total sales. It’s the best metric for measuring roi. Results or return on investment (roi) results are the number of desire actions generate by your ad. They can include engagements. Video views. Clicks. And conversions. Among others. That is what you nee to know to find out if your ad is achieving the campaign objectives and giving you a good roi. The results rate is the number of results receive divide by the number of impressions earne by the ad. To track roi make sure you have conversion tracking set up.

Twitter offers people a way to keep up with events and happenings across the world in real-time. It also encourages conversation and engagement in a way that can drive connections and build trust. It’s still a popular channel even in the age of going viral on tiktok. For brands. Twitter can be a great marketing channel when use in the right way. Plus it’s popular amongst internet users between 16 and 64 years of age who rank twitter as their 7th favorite social meia platform according to ‘the global state of digital 2022’. To drive engagement and measure the performance of organic and paid posts.

Twitter offers people a way to keep up with events

Where to find twitter analytics within the twitter platform. Account home is the place to go for your data but you can access your tweet activity dashboard and video activity dashboard by selecting the ‘tweets’ tab in the new data header. In account home. You can see a summary of your account activity and highlights of your top tweets. Mentions. And followers for any month. You can also access detaile information on account performance. How far you’ve progresse. And tips on how to improve your  strategy. Twitter analytics is also your best option  for managing your twitter paid advertising and ensuring it’s performing as it should.

We look at six effective ways

It’s crucial to know how to use twitter analytics. In this blog. We look at six effective ways to use the platform’s analytics to boost engagement and brand awareness. What is twitter Executive List analytics? Twitter analytics is a way for you to analyze your tweet data to gain insight into your content and followers. It will show you how your audience is responding to your content (and content formats). What’s working. And what’s not using a variety of specific metrics (describe below). You can then use this data and insights to optimize your twitter posts and campaigns to get better results.

SGE query types Limitations of SGE Impacts of SGE How to prepare for SGE What is SGE? On May 10th 2023, Google announce that it was working on SGE, one of the most important visual changes to Google search engine results page (SERP) in many years. Like a highly advance version of feature snippets, SGE uses AI to generate detaile search results that aim to give users the exact information that they’re looking for (and then some).

For searchers to  As your website compare similar products.

Note: SGE is still in beta testing phase until December 2023, and it can only be accesse in English in the Unite States, Japan, and India. It is not yet known when it will special data launch fully. SGE in practice So, does all this mean that SGE will replace the traditional SERP? No, there’ll still be a SERP, but it will be much more detaile. You can think of SGE as an experience, a conversation with your search engine. You can ask it detaile, conversational questions and, using AI, it will generate detaile answers. That’s the search generative experience. What this means in practice is that you can write long conversational queries, and SGE will return detaile results.

The higher you’ll rank. Those who do this really well will

special data

Audience at the right time, especially using advance technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). But with a lot of opportunity comes a lot to consider as your audience  Executive List has multiple touchpoints to discover and communicate with your brand. That’s why it’s essential to have a strategic digital marketing plan that’s aligne with your business plan in 2024. It’s about being clever with your budget, being effective in using your resources


The key is to ensure this approach is integrate and when a customer moves from one touchpoint to the next the experience is seamless and relevant. For example, if you’re leading someone from a social meia post to a landing page, make sure the content is relevant and is recognizable as from the same brand or campaign. Ultimately, it’s about delivering the same message at all points of the journey. Preparing for AI Search with Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) Articles News.

Easier to compare products: The SGE makes it easier

PPC and Paid Search Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Written by Lindsey Schrant There’s little doubt that the world of search marketing is on track to be turne upside down by developments in generative AI. Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is still in experiment latest database  phase but it’s already promising to upend standard concepts and approaches to search, and consequently to digital marketing as a whole. It was only a few years ago that Larry Page of Google made the following preiction: “Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the Web. It would understand exactly what you wante, and it would give you the right thing. We’re nowhere near doing that now.

So the more quality unique content you write

latest database

However, we can get incrementally closer to that, and that is basically what we work on.” Larry Page, co-founder of Google Today, Google is trying to better understand  Executive List what you want, so that it can give you the perfect answer. And SGE is how it displays that answer. To provide insights into how SGE currently works, Lindsey Schrant of Neil Patel Digital joine us to look at this new world of search. What does SGE look like?


The most engage customers looking at? Use all this information to create a retention strategy. Use automation – Automation tools can help you send emails base on preference. use chatbots to respond to customer queries and even write copy using ChatGPT. Adopt Social Customer Service – As we said above, you should be using social meia to respond to queries and deal with complaints. You can also be proactive and ask for feeback or testimonials that can be use to drive retention. Finally, the best way to nurture positive customer relationships and loyalty is to reward them for it which we move on to next! 5.

This will lead to higher levels of ranking difficulty.

Encourage Brand Loyalty & Incentivize Referrals Never underestimate a loyal customer. Nurturing loyalty is the best way to show the value of your products or services to potential and existing customers. That’s why you should reward and nurture existing customers. It will help to show them you value their business but also incentivize them to purchase again, share opinions about your  new database business. Or refer others. There are a few simple and effective ways to encourage brand loyalty: Offer special or VIP discounts Give early. Access to sales or promotions Start a loyalty or rewards program.  Offer discounts in return for customer referrals. Offer a free gift Mark anniversaries (e.g. birthdays) Here’s an example from restaurant chain. Zoe’s Kitchen for being part of its rewards program. Zoe’s Kitchen rewards email Zoe’s Kitchen rewards email .

Google has always said that content is king

Embrace an Omnichannel Approach By now you should have heard of omnichannel marketing. Put simply, it’s an approach to marketing that allows businesses to Executive List  deliver a consistent and seamless customer experience across all channels – online and offline. Key digital marketing channels for omnichannel are: Email marketing Social meia Remarketing Website optimization Video Search marketing Display advertising Affiliate marketing Using this approach will allow customers to contact you in various ways and boost customer satisfaction (as long as someone is keeping an eye on those channels!


Become a world class digital marketer 4. Aim to Retain Customers According to SEMRush, 44 percent of businesses focus on customer acquisition, while only 18 percent focus on customer retention. If you aim to retain, you will make more of an effort to nurture your customer relationships. We’ve already establishe that retention is cheaper than acquisition, but it can expand your profit margins too. That’s because it can cost four to five times more to acquire new customers versus retaining current ones reporte a Forbes article.

Competition for top information results will increase.

Besides an exceptional product offering and competitive price point, there are a number of approaches you can take to improve retention rates. Measure Lifetime  new data  Value (LTV) – This value will tell you what to expect in total revenue from a single customer account throughout the relationship. It will help you to understand what kind of products your customers want, what products or services are the most profitable, and what relationships drive sales. Use multiple touchpoints – When customers are online they can move from one channel to another easily. So it’s important to optimize a person’s journey across channels from online chat to social meia to your website.

Start preparing by following some timeless SEO tips.

new data

Create relevant content – Regardless of your business type or target audience, content marketing is a top-performing retention tool and can help you to deliver personalize  Executive List messaging across formats from a blog to a social meia ad. Personalize emails – You should know why a person is on your email list. Did they download a brochure or sign up for a newsletter? Once you know their journey you can create a tailore workflow that will drive them to remain loyal and repurchase. Use analytics – Analytics tell the story of your customers online. Where are they engaging, what are they doing when they engage with your product and what are


 Very good technical support. Backup once every hour. Disadvantages This is not the most economical. There are some limitations to excessive security measures. The plan only provides storage space. Pricing Plan Host Be careful with this hosting! I’ve tested the Galician-based company that created this course, and they’ve given me brutal performance results. Their customer panel is super-simple and intuitive to use, and is available in .

layout nested in layers, to know what

 Customer service is also hours, and they are always available to help you in record time. The quality of the price is special data almost unparalleled at present. Managed Benefits First-class quality prices. Hourly technical support is available via ticket, email and phone. Unlimited database. Backup times per day. They have a free trial plan for a month. Disadvantages It allows you to add up to one domain name, but only one of them is free.

position each one is in and whether or not

The free plan is fair and could even be more. Pricing plan La Iora Another famous Spanish company, ——, which sponsors all existing and future marketing activities, —— has a very good reputation. There must be a reason why many great entrepreneurs in our country are in Raiola. What I dislike Executive List the most is that managing a website from the back end can sometimes be a torture because once you open a few tabs, it runs out of memory. Hosted La Ora Network Advantages Fast Loading.

Suppliers may be very good, but if you can’t afford them, then we’re done.: If it’s too cheap and unbelievable, just be skeptical! Always seek a good quality price balance. A detailed analysis of the best hosting in Spain Now, I’ll talk to you about the hosting services that I suggest you evaluate when considering hiring or replacing.

Photoshop the layers panel. In this

 The first three I have tried in person, the last one I know from the reviews is the best: it is latest database without a doubt one of the best hosts, not only in Spain but also in Latin America, because it has servers in the US. They have many years of experience and stand out for being a hosting service that delivers great performance to your website. Their technical support is in Spanish and is the best.

column we can see all the elements of

 To add to that, I would say that there are a lot of security measures in place that are sometimes painful and restrict you from doing certain things, but by writing tickets, they temporarily open the restrictions and let you do what you want. Needed. I must also say Executive List that if given the choice, I prefer them to proceed with caution rather than the other way around. Today, what I recommend to my clients is hosting services. Corporate Web Hosting Advantages Fast Loading.

And don’t think they won’t find your site, because the attacks you may not know are usually carried out by bots that crawl websites around the world in an automated and random way, rather than by a manual search of a website performed by a person who is searching. Backup We don’t value backups unless we need to pull them, do we? My website is blank, so what should?Ah! When you plan to hire a hosting service, make sure they provide you with a daily backup no matter what happens.

Structure: The “structure” panel is what

 Quality of technical support This is something we only consider when there is a problem with new database hosting, and this is where providers really show their quality. Hire a host that provides you with a well-referenced technical support service that can be a phone channel with good response times and resolution. Keep in mind that your website may crash, you may be attacked, you may need to restore backups There are many reasons why you must ask support staff for help, so please do not take it lightly that ( is not ) .

is called Navigator in Elementor and in

 Although this is now almost mandatory, not all hosts on the market are experts, so if your site is, check that the hosts you are hiring have good professional support. Servers in Europe As European privacy laws will come into effect in the year, it is important to ensure that servers provided by hosting providers are located in Europe Executive List to comply with all legal directives. Price While price should not be the most decisive factor when renting a console, obviously you should look at it with a magnifying glass.

mediocre host or a professional host, it all depends on whether your site runs smoothly or loads like lightning. Resource Consumption If your site is experiencing high traffic, the servers you rent can become overwhelmed, causing your site to slow down or crash, so check the server’s memory and performance. Availability( uptime) For high-quality hosting, it is strange that something malfunctioned and caused your website and other websites to fail, but this can happen.

In the upper right part we will have

All the hosting providers I show you in this article are guaranteed uptime. Free Certificates To ensure that your website is new data  secure and displayed in Protocol( takes this into account and it is necessary to install the certificate on your website. Today, few hosting providers do not provide you with a free certificate, but just in case, make sure they provide it and you do not have to pay for it. What almost everyone uses is that it is fully verified by the website, so the fact that it is free does not make you hesitate.

access to some general options

 Its installation is very simple and is done via the host control panel itself. Defend against attacks Make sure the hosting you choose is very secure. Keep in mind that bad people around the world try to spam your blog comments and emails Executive List every day, hack your website, inject malware and other misconduct, so you have to take this very seriously. No one has any personal grudge against you; bad guys just use bots to randomly attack websites.